Monday, January 30, 2012

The Story of M-Rock

               I often ask my marketing department to, “tell the story”, the story of M-Rock. The story is simple, M-Rock reached a time in the company’s history where we stopped making the same ordinary products that everyone else does and decided to make extraordinary products.

               The whole story goes a little like this. When I was twenty years old and in college I found myself with a screen printing company, which is a long story in itself. The company was no more than a name and a few pieces of cheap equipment, of which I did not know how to use. I was off and running with a new business, off being the key word. I have often said I learned everything in business the hard way, and all things considered I think I learned those lessons well.

               Twelve years later and a lot more of the hard way . . . I had started to figure this little screen printing business out. Over the years we had added embroidery, signs and great service. Vision Graphics was a small town success! Now in my early 30’s local opportunities lead me toward the start of M-Rock. All the experiences of vision Graphics had prepared me to look at the start of this new company in a different way. I wanted to develop this company to compete on a national level and I wanted to develop a successful brand name.

               Along comes M-Rock. The name had to be a part of me, not an arrogant thought, only a constant reminder that this company and the products we produce would always represent me. I would skip as much of the “hard way” of learning with the start of M-Rock and so from day one we produced and sold quality products. We also backed these quality products with quality service. These philosophies were the foundations of M-Rock: quality products, backed with quality service.

               Now back to the “tell the story”, story. I always took pride in being from rural West Virginia, and I wanted to prove that a country boy could compete on a national level, produce better more innovative products, and ultimately build a better company from small town USA. . .and we did.

               Over two years ago I decided to change our already successful company into something different, a company driven by extraordinary products, and that is what we have done. Just watch what we will do next.

               As the founder and President of M-Rock I invite you to visit our web site, send us an email, or give us a call. Check out our products, and if you want a company that is building extraordinary products, look no further than M-Rock.


Matt Mann

Founder, President/CEO